Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beauty is as Beauty Does!

As many of us begin to age, we notice that our skin and body starts to do things that they have never done before.  As far as our bodies are concerned, we may start to see and feel the signs of aging and our skin sometimes begins to transform in weird ways such as wrinkles, age spots and adult acne.  While I would love to agree with some skincare companies and swear that the fountain of youth is all in a bottle, I would not feel comfortable misleading many.  The truth is (at least as I envision it), our skin just like anything else must be taken care of in its entirety,  after all it is the largest organ of our body and the first line of defense!!!  Topical products are only one part of having healthy skin!  I know that all of the skincare companies realize that each consumer is super intelligent, but I wish that they would put a disclaimer on its packages and say “This product will be at its best, when you eat the right foods, drink plenty of water and exercise”.  Green vegetable are great foods that have various benefits for the entire body.  They are full of vitamins, minerals and protein compounds.  Vitamins and minerals both exist in plant and animal matter and usually cannot be produced by your body, so they must come from your diet.  As stated in an article on Livestrong.com, protein is necessary for cell structure repair and growth in nearly all of your body's tissues and plays a key role in metabolism.  Chlorophyll can be found in many green vegetables such as asparagus, beet greens, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, celery, collard greens, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, green olives, parsley, romaine lettuce, sea vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and more.  The key is to NOT OVERCOOK these vegetables as many researchers have found that two thirds of the chlorophyll was removed after 20 minutes of boiling.   So the next time, you are in the grocery store, pick up one of the listed vegetables and include it in your diet.  Not only will you start to see a difference in your skin, but you will also feel a difference in your body.  Reverse the curse and start taking care of your entire body today by including the many natural products that were made and manufactured by God!

Make it a great day!

For more info on healthy living visit, http://www.livestrong.com/ and for more info on chlorophyll visit

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