Monday, March 14, 2011


To my surprise many people have never had a facial and their reasoning is Why get one?  Well there are several reasons to get a facial and the one that seems strikingly popular is Aging!  Although there are no magic potions that will stop aging altogether, there are products that will help slow aging down.  But in order to find that perfect product made just for you, you must identify your skin type.  Is your skin oily, dry, dehydrated, combination or acneic?  What concerns you the most with your skin may not be the most imminent issue that you may be facing and that is why it is important to get a facial.  Estheticians are skilled at proper cleansing and helping your skin achieve the healthiest glow possible.  Even though finding a great Esthetician will be beneficial he or she cannot diagnose anyone with a skin condition only a Dermatologist can.  However, Estheticians are trained to identify certain area of concerns that will need to be addressed by a doctor.  After you receive a facial it is very important to purchase products that will maintain your skin, this is called a skincare regimen.  A cleanser, exfoliant and moisturizer are the basic products that all people who are trying to improve their skin's appearance should have.  Remember to drink plenty of water and to exercise, sweating removes toxins and the water replaces the lost moisture back in your body!  I always like to try to relate everything to the Word of God and the scripture that comes to my mind is 1 Corinthians 13:11  When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. (NIV)  The same is true for skincare except it would go a little like this, When I was a child skin cell renewal was quick, I had healthy skin effortlessly but when I became an adult something happened my cell turnover rate began to slow down and I was forced to pay more attention to my skin, to what I ate, to how fast I got up and down to how close I had to be to read something blah blah blah!  The point is whatever age you are, it's never to late to start healthy skincare practices, your cell turnover may slow down but it doesn't stop!  So take care of your skin after all it's the largest organ of the body!

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