Sunday, March 27, 2011

A spa party fit for a princess!

Mz. Pearl!  The birthday girl :)
If you're thinking of a cool way to pamper your princess, consider having a spa party!  The idea is to get some friends togther and allow them to enjoy being pampered all while having a blast!  The first thing to consider is where you would like to have the party.  Make sure you have plenty room to accomodate the various stations and the girls.  I would limit the amount of girls to 6 so that you can provide the maximum amount of fun!  Next, decide what stations you want to have.  Some really cool ideas are "Fancy Fingers" the nail painting station, "Perfect Pedi's", the pedicure station, "Fun Facials" the facial station (Don't forget the cucumbers) and "Happy Hair", the hair updo station.  Those are just a few, there are countless ideas that will both be pampering and fun for the girls.  Next, you can either have the girls bring robes, flip flops and towels, or you can provide them.  Moving along, make sure that you have enough chairs for the girls and if it's a birthday party provide an extra special chair for the birthday girl by decorating it.    Provide fruity drinks and finger food for the girls and have an older brother or friend help serve the girls.  You're all set to have a fun spa-filled day with your little lady, don't forget the super cool music, magazines and maybe a funny movie to top off the day.


Desserts & favors!  (We ordered pizza)


Candi Sushi

Table set up

Spa Party Set Up

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It's almost that time at least so I thought, time to plant!!!!!!!  If your anything like me you have every color thumb except GREEN, but of course thanks to there is always help for the greenless thumbers!  Last year I was very proud of my vegetable garden because well it looked good to me at least.  The problem was my vegetables were not growing as expected.  After checking with local gardeners and reading up on gardens, I realized that I neglected to follow a few key rules!  Rule #1, make sure that your soil is right.  This basically means getting your "dirt" loose enough to allow plants to grow.  In my case, I had lots of clay and it made it really hard for my plants to grow.  Simply buy enough compost, sphagnum peat moss, rotted manures and if drainage is a problem buy some sand.  Make sure that you get your hands dirty and work the soil to make sure that the soil is mixed thoroughly.  By now you probably have a good idea of what type of plants or vegetables you want to plant.  Pay close attention to the space needed between the plants.  One of the first fruits that I have planted are strawberries.  I am attaching a link to with precise instructions since they are the pros!  Have fun gardening!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Redken, Nioxin and Moroccan Oil

I must say I believe that Redken products are the best!  Since I began to use Redken products, I have seen a great change in the overall health of my hair.  The good thing is Redken offers products for all hair types so you are sure to find one that is suitable for your hair texture!  I use Redken Smooth Down because I do not get relaxers and it controls frizz.  If you are in the market for a new Shampoo and Conditioner try Redken I am sure you will be pleased!  Also, if your hair is thin or thinning and you want a product to help thicken your hair follicle try Nioxin products.  Like Redken there are many kinds to choose from allowing the consumer to find the product that actually remedies the issue.   I have baby fine hair and I have always been concerned with my edges so I tried Nioxin for thinning hair and it has worked wonders.  I choose to use both Redken Smooth Down and Nioxin for thinning hair and my result is shiny, bouncy, fuller and healthier hair!  Remember to get your ends trimmed regularly and eliminate the amount of oil you use.  Btw a super great hair oil is Moroccan Oil a little goes a looooooooooooonnnnng way!

Monday, March 14, 2011


To my surprise many people have never had a facial and their reasoning is Why get one?  Well there are several reasons to get a facial and the one that seems strikingly popular is Aging!  Although there are no magic potions that will stop aging altogether, there are products that will help slow aging down.  But in order to find that perfect product made just for you, you must identify your skin type.  Is your skin oily, dry, dehydrated, combination or acneic?  What concerns you the most with your skin may not be the most imminent issue that you may be facing and that is why it is important to get a facial.  Estheticians are skilled at proper cleansing and helping your skin achieve the healthiest glow possible.  Even though finding a great Esthetician will be beneficial he or she cannot diagnose anyone with a skin condition only a Dermatologist can.  However, Estheticians are trained to identify certain area of concerns that will need to be addressed by a doctor.  After you receive a facial it is very important to purchase products that will maintain your skin, this is called a skincare regimen.  A cleanser, exfoliant and moisturizer are the basic products that all people who are trying to improve their skin's appearance should have.  Remember to drink plenty of water and to exercise, sweating removes toxins and the water replaces the lost moisture back in your body!  I always like to try to relate everything to the Word of God and the scripture that comes to my mind is 1 Corinthians 13:11  When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. (NIV)  The same is true for skincare except it would go a little like this, When I was a child skin cell renewal was quick, I had healthy skin effortlessly but when I became an adult something happened my cell turnover rate began to slow down and I was forced to pay more attention to my skin, to what I ate, to how fast I got up and down to how close I had to be to read something blah blah blah!  The point is whatever age you are, it's never to late to start healthy skincare practices, your cell turnover may slow down but it doesn't stop!  So take care of your skin after all it's the largest organ of the body!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Clinique Skincare

I've recently started using the 3 step skincare system by clinique and I must say that I absolutely love it!  First, it's an affordable regimen, second and very important, it provides results!  After only 2 weeks into using it I saw an immediate change.  First you cleanse the skin with a liquid facial soap.  Don't get too worried with the (soap) part, it's actually a nondrying cleanser.  Next, apply the exfoliant which is actually labeled as Clarifying Lotion and lastly, apply the moisturizer.  Remember to use the actual system that works for your skin type (oily, dry, problematic or combination), Clinique has done a great job incorporating all skin types into their products.  A great skincare regimen is key to maintaining a healthy glow.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inner Beauty

When I really begin to put things into perspective, I am truly blessed.  I may not have all of the money or the material items I want but I have everything I need.  I have come to realize that it's not how other people view you but how you view yourself.  I am a firm believer of the Bible and one scripture that always resonates in my spirit is "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". (Proverbs 23:7 NIV)   Today I ask you, how are you viewing yourself?  When you look in the mirror do you see all that you aren't or all that you ARE.  In my opinion, that scripture, is God's way of telling us to get some confidence!  I am challenging you today to put on the same glasses that God wears and see yourself as the wonderful person that He made you to be!  In case you didn't hear, your dreams are knocking!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Super Cute Children's Clothes

A while ago, I came across a website that I absolutely loved!  The clothes were super trendy yet still very youthful.  Some of the items can be very pricey, but you can definitely inspire your child's wardrobe!  Check out for more details!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Recipe to help colds and flu!

The flu season is in full effect and if you haven't been effected or know someone who has consider yourself blessed!  Obviously, the best way to prevent germs is to live in a bubble lol, however because that's not practical, proper handwashing and drinking lots of OJ and water will at least help!  If you do find yourself sick from the flu or a cold here is a simple recipe that you can add to your bath to help with congestion and aches and pains. 

Cold and Flu Bath
l5 drops of  Eucalyptus
l5 drops of Peppermint
l4 drops of Lavender
Add oils to 1/4 cup Epsom Salts or Baking Soda.
Add to running bath water and soak 15-20 mins.

Kennedi's Spa Party

My daughter recently had her very first spa party and of course I was the organizer!  I researched various cool ideas to make her party stand out more and I came across some very cool blogs that gave great food ideas!  My very favorite was candy sushi!  I have to be honest, the concept was super easy but it was reallly messy!  All in all, it came out great and the girls loved it!  It was a hit! 
To learn detailed instructions on how to make candy sushi visit

Mz. Pearl Pretty Parties

Since this is my very first blog I wanted to introduce my passion to my readers.  I started my mobile spa business, Mz. Pearl Pretty Parties in 2009 because I wanted to merge my passion of skincare with my love for children.  I came up with the name Mz. Pearl because of my daughter's old spirit and since  beginning the business, I have held various spa parties with a variety of themes.  My business is based out of Richmond, VA but I am also available in the Washington, DC Metro area, the Tidewater area and Northern North Carolina.  I hope my blogs will inspire some, uplift many and encourage all!  Be blessed!
