Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm Backkkkkkk!

It is a wonderful morning and I am waking up a more refreshed person because my final grade for my hardest yet most beneficial class has finally been posted and I received a B!!!!!!  Yay me!  Oh, I have been gone soooo long that I neglected to tell everyone that I graduated last Saturday from Liberty University with my MBA!  These last few classes were intense therefore, I took a break from blogging and a lot of other things.  I am extremely happy and proud that stuck it out and finished my degree in 2 years.  I owe it all to God because seriously there were many many times that I felt that I was way in over my head because I worked like many others, had a life (at least a little), like many others AND I have three children ranging from ages 3-6 so at times it was a little overwhelming, but God is Great!  Now I am focusing on creating my products for my business and when I say I eat, sleep and breathe it, I really do!  God has shown me what He is capable of doing and He also showed me what I can do if I only believe.  So with that being said I believe He has great things in store for me, I believe that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me, I believe in God, the Father and the Holy Ghost, I believe that whatever I ask for in His name shall be given, I believe in the Gospel, I believe that all things are possible, I believe that I can cast out devils, I believe that I am a child of God, I believe I have Favor and I believe that I have the Victory!  Make it a blessed day and BELIEVE!

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