Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The story behind Mz. Pearl and K. Milan

I have had many people ask me about why I chose to start Mz. Pearl Pretty Parties and K. Milan Mobile Spa and why did I use two different names.  Well the truth of the matter is yes, they are owned by the same, and they have similar concepts, to build confidence by promoting healthy skincare and self-assurance. is for girls and one is primarily for women.  I myself struggled for many years feeling inadequate, second guessing myself, not feeling beautiful even to the point of depression, clinically!  Many of those feelings stemmed from my childhood and some of them came from my adulthood but the common denominator is the insecurities that I had as a child followed me as I grew.  I can remember as a child hating my complexion because I felt like I was too dark and I would despise when people said stuff like you are pretty...for a dark skinned girl WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN... oh and I absolutely hated my naturally curly hair because the kids teased me and said it looked like a Jheri Curl. Those types of insults became destructive seeds that dwelled in my spirit only to grow sizably year after year.  My self-perception became the water and the sun and provided all of the nutrients for self-hatred.  Isn’t that something, the words that people speak over your life have the power to become your own thoughts if you don’t stop it at its root.   The bible even said in Proverbs 23:7, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.   I have realized that the negative seeds that I have allowed to grow took time to mature and like with any vine, in order to stop its growth, I had to pull it from its root!  Now, I embrace my complexion and I love my hair.  It's funny how it took years to realize that people tan to get darker and that my naturally curly hair was truly a gift from God because I had that “wash and go hair”, and it saved me lots of money, not to mention naturally curly hair is all the hype now!  The naysayers, the evil seeds and the people who played off of my weakness were just hindrances that would eventually motivate me to reach my potential.  Which leads me back to the original question, why did I choose to start Mz. Pearl AND K. Milan, well I wanted to use my past hurts to encourage young girls that they are beautiful, unique and special, they are PEARLS.  Likewise for women, I wanted them to know that regardless of what life may have said about them and regardless of their past experiences that they are beautiful, they still have a lot of potential they have what it takes to be that woman that God intended them to be.  My mobile spa is my ministry and my method of reaching girls and women are through skincare and spa parties.  I have asked God to bless my hands, my mouth and my overall spirit that I will be able to connect with girls and women all over to help encourage, uplift and not just erase the signs of aging but erase the signs of inadequacies.  If I can play a role in helping to plant seeds of encouragement and confidence in girls, then hopefully those seeds will grow and manifest and take root to developing confident women.  Likewise, for women, pulling those negative roots up and growing new seeds of EVERYTHING GOD SAID WE ARE, is my goal.  Guess what God said that WE are made in HIS image and therefore I am beautiful and so are you!  Be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! So many of us have similar stories about our insecurities and how they created negative self images over time. I salute you for sharing and also for creating your businesses to encourage and promote self worth and confidence in girls and women!

