Friday, February 3, 2012

Confessions of The Fake Housewives of....

I have been really laughing at the luxurious life that The Real Housewives of ATL, OC, BH etc.,  live because seriously it's not a reflection of reality, well at least not mine!  Let's face it though, there fabulous lifestyles are fun to watch and I absolutely look forward to most of the episodes!  But for the average woman, it leaves us scratching our heads wondering, well where did we go wrong ...meaning why can't we afford multiple pairs of Christian Louboutin, Gucci bags or any car note worth of clothing.  Obviously, if that's your fabulousness and you can still pay all your bills effortlessly ...Kudos to You my dear, but for everyone else I will offer up some tips on how to be "Fordable" Fabulous. 

Today I will focus on prepping the face for makeup!.

Step 1:  Make sure that you have cleansed your skin well (Not with Soap but with an actual facial cleanser) and exfoliated with a gentle exfoliant to give your skin the freshest appearance possible(Neutrogena has very affordable skincare products)  ***If you have acne, DO NOT USE HARSH EXFOLIANTS because it will spread bacteria over your face instead use liquid exfoliants such as Clinique's Clarifying Lotion.

Step 2:  Moisturize, Moisturize MOISTURIZE say it with ME!!!!!!  Moisturizing is seriously realllly important!!!

Step 3:  This step is often skipped by many but it's what makes the difference...MAKEUP PRIMER!  Without primer, your makeup grabs hold to your moisturizer.  The job of moisturizer is to penetrate into the skin and thus without primer your makeup eventually penetrates into the skin with your moisturizer and that is why for many after so many hours your makeup is obsolete.  That is where primer comes in.  Makeup Primer forms a barrier between your moisturizer and creates the perfect canvas to allow powders, bronzers, and foundations to slide effortlessly on the skin delivering a flawless and perfectly blended look that stay in place all day.

Suggested "Fordable" products

CeraVe (I love this)
Clinique (a little more expensive)
Sephora (offers skincare and makeup products from a reasonable price to a more expensive)

These are just some suggestions that I use.  Also, I have attached a link called How to Determine Your Skin type.  It offers GREAT information so that you can get the right cleansers, exfoliants, moisturizers, etc.!


  1. This is wonderful! It is difficult to keep up, especially financially. I appreciate your help and advice!

  2. This is wonderful! It is difficult to keep up, especially financially. I appreciate your help and advice!

