Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Thankful!

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, we all hear "Be Thankful"!  But are we reallllly thankful?  We (including myself ) are all guilty of complaining and at times being unappreciative, so during this time of the year we ought to really put things into perspective. Have you ever thought how our lives would change if we had an outer body experience?  Suppose, instead of worrying about what you were going to wear to work, you were having to take your child to have surgery, or a week after you got into an argument with your friend/family member that they turned up missing or dead, the argument would be pretty insignificant then.  So in the season of Thanksgiving truly be thankful and put situations into perspective... When we complain about our jobs, think about the jobless, when we complain about our pregnancy, think about the couple that is desperately trying to conceive, when we complain about our looks, think about the burn victim, when we complain about our hair, think about the cancer patient, when we complain about our children, think about the family that buried their child, when we complain about our parents, think about the person whose parents are deceased, when we complain about our spouse, think about the person whose significant other is across seas serving our country and when we complain about ourselves, think about how God sacrificed His only Son for You and Me....I think we get the picture.  So let's embrace our today and be thankful for our blessings and know that God is in control!  Thanksgiving is a Day, but we need to make it a lifestyle! 

***A Smile is an instant facelift!***

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